Rupina Meer/Founder, Zentrition

I’ve been an Integrative nutrition coach, functional medicine practitioner and personal development junkie for the last 10 years but I didn’t choose this path. It chose me!
It seems every now and then, the universe gently shakes us and guides us to change course. It starts out as the faintest of whispers. But if you ignore, it turns into a scream. That was certainly my case in embarking on this new path.
I was a successful, young executive climbing the corporate ladder with my MBA but I had my own dark nights of the soul with 3 terrifying health crises that planted the seeds for wanting to learn more. Western medicine had no solutions and in fact my “pill for an ail” mentality created massive immune dysregulation and I developed this ravenous hunger for the science and soul of healing.
I was hurtling through life at 95 mph, surviving on frozen monstrosities devoid of any real nutrition. I never cooked and had no idea that this processed diet high in refined carbs was practically inviting those rogue cancer cells to make a snuggly home in my body. And my addiction to high stress living and perfectionism was like throwing gasoline on an already roaring hormonal fire.
As a two-time cancer thriver, I now consider these health crises as my greatest “gifts” that propelled me down the path to holistic wellness. A path marked by moments of gut wrenching fear as well as quiet grace. Our instant gratification culture doesn’t allow us to stay with whatever comes up and I learned to steer clear of pharmaceutical drugs and treat my body with the reverence it deserves. I turned to ancestral nutrition and functional medicine when I was down on my knees desperately seeking answers and then I realized that healing goes way beyond what we’re consuming on our plates to what we’re consuming through our consciousness.
So I dove deeper down the rabbit holes of neuroplasticity, epigenetics and psychoneuroimmunology to birth my Hormone Harmony program to help hundreds of women in the prime of their careers master peri/menopause, break free from the midlife muffin top, fatigue and forgetfulness, so they can RECLAIM their power, potency. and pizzazz through the 2nd half of their lives.
I’m on an unapologetic mission to disrupt the current disease care system with new and evidence-based ways to heal stress and hormones, and have been privileged to be trained by luminaries in the field of mind-body medicine, including Drs. Mark Hyman, Andrew Weil, Deepak Chopra, and Joe Dispenza. I’m also a certified Hormone Cure practitioner, trained by Harvard MD, Sara Gottfried on her celebrated protocol to optimize female hormones. And an award-winning writer published on Gaia, Huffington Post and other conscious media.
I’m pretty driven when it comes to finding a better way with hormones and stress overload and have this ravenous hunger for the science and soul of healing. I do this work because I love seeing the magic that happens when someone’s health and energy returns because they found the nutritional–or emotional–course correction to make that happen. When their now well nourished and balanced body becomes a vehicle for living a meaningful life and where they leave the world a better place.
My other passions are hiking in Mother Nature’s lap, yoga, meditation, breath work, chilling with dogs, especially my 4-legged child who now resides in Heaven (part child/part Zen master) who has taught me the deepest lessons without uttering a word.
My biggest legacy is helping my clients tap into their BIG WHY so instead of living with this weak-kneed lukewarm stupor, they can live full out like a mustard seed dropped in hot oil ready to burst its flavor into everything. Vibrant, fiercely free and alive.