‘Tis the busy season and you’re running around like crazy pants checking off items on your holiday shopping list. But the truth is, with or without the holidays, many of you deliberately engineer your lives to run from task to task on that hamster wheel of activity so you don’t have to pause to examine what you’re running from…can you relate?
This disease of being “busy” (and let’s call it what it is, the dis-ease of being busy, when we are never at ease) is spiritually destructive to our health and well being. It saps our ability to be fully present with those we love the most in our families, and keeps us from forming the kind of community that we all so desperately crave.
For me, it’s been a period of gut wrenching losses and introspection. My beloved Mom and 4-legged child recently changed their residence to heaven. And I’ve been getting still to let the tsunami of sadness wash over me and to REALLY FEEL THE FEELINGS. Breaking open versus shutting down, pretending to be too busy. And I’ve been asking the empowering questions as to what is the gift or the message in these devastating losses. While I don’t have all the answers, I know they are both at peace and free from suffering. I know without a shadow of a doubt that death is not the end as I FEEL their spirits seamlessly stitched into the hems of my heart. And I know that if I focus on the fact that I’ve gained two guardian angels, instead of focusing on the loss, I will invite their guidance and presence to show up even more and live on forever.
While I was brought to my knees as I stayed awake through the fires of change, I was also fascinated by what it took to not shut down. I marveled at what we all do in times of transition and loss–how we resist and how we surrender; how we stay stuck, and how we grow. As I peeled away past layers of losses, fears, hurts and limiting beliefs that no longer served me, I was able to have more clarity of purpose. And to show up more fully in my life, relationships, and work.
So what about you? What losses, fears, limiting beliefs, “stories” about your body and health are you carrying over to 2016 that ensure that you keep manifesting that fat, fatigued and in a funk reality? Did you know that every cell in your body is replaced every seven years? It’s true. At the cellular level, the oldest you get is about seven years old. I remember hearing Deepak Chopra speak about this during one of his lectures at my alma mater, Integrative Nutrition. He said that the only reason we keep creating the same body—or one that seems to deteriorate with age—is that we keep thinking the same thoughts over and over again. That is because all biological systems operate according to what are called “premature cognitive commitments” to the way reality is. Let me deconstruct this concept.
If you take a bunch of bees and put them into a jar, and then put a lid on the jar, only a couple “pioneer” bees will leave the jar once you take off the lid. The rest have made a “premature cognitive commitment” that they are trapped. Likewise, if you put two schools of fish in a tank and place a glass wall between the schools, leave it for a while and then later remove it, only a few fish will ever venture into the territory beyond that wall. The rest believe that they must stay in their own space. Then there’s the famous Nobel Prize winning experiment of Hubel and Weisel who found that if you raise kittens in an environment where there are only vertical stripes on the walls, they will run into everything horizontal, because they literally can’t “see” anything horizontal. They’ve been trained to see only a vertical world.
The same is true with us humans. Our bodies are literally created by our beliefs. And subsequently our behavior. The famous medical intuitive Edgar Cayce said it best, “The Spirit is the life, the mind the builder, and the body the result.” Here’s how that plays out: If you believe that it’s normal to develop that embarrassing muffin top, brain fog, devitalized, wrinkled skin and achy joints, as you get older, then that is likely to be your experience. If you believe that middle age begins at about 70, then your experience will be entirely different. As it turns out, our cultural beliefs about what’s possible hold far more weight than our genes. And these beliefs translate into biological realities in our bodies.
The exciting part about all this is that when you purge those limiting beliefs and stories, not only do you attract different circumstances in your life, your biology and metabolism literally changes. Hormones become balanced. Stress hormone levels plummet. Neurotransmitters boost your mood. And you emerge into your optimal physical and emotional vibrancy and presence so you can rock your mission and live your truth!
Are you ready to purge those fears, losses, stories and beliefs that have been weighing you down year after year but feel like you’re getting in your own way? What weight are you carrying around that is not yours to bear? Having successfully coached many of my clients through this, I’m going to share a secret with you: Beliefs and mindset are a hard thing to tackle alone (when you are stuck inside a set way of thinking). We all have blind spots. And the hard part is when we can’t see what it is that we can’t see.
Vanessa (not her real name) never imagined that her thoughts and her approach were keeping her stuck, but during one of our coaching sessions, a question I asked sparked a light bulb moment. In the next week, she shifted her thinking 180 degrees as she realized, for the first time, exactly what needed to change if she wanted to stop struggling and start succeeding with food. “I have spent years locked in a prison made of bars that were built in my own mind.” The truth was right there, but without someone to help her see her own blind spot, she had been completely unaware of it.
If now now, then when? If not you, then who? If you’ve decided that 2016 is your year to get unstuck and get off the hamster wheel of overwhelm, stress, cravings, hormonal imbalances, weight gain, rinse and repeat, then I have a sweet deal to usher in the New Year with a Get Unstuck coaching session for only $97 (retails for $297) available through midnight December 31 only. During this powerful coaching session, we tackle what it really takes to get unstuck and achieve what you want. I share the tools and strategies, the daily practices, AND you get the personalized coaching and support to really apply and tailor-fit what will work for YOU (not some cookie cutter diet/exercise plan) and your unique life.
BUT you have to qualify for this deal as I only have 5 spots open in my practice and I am only interested in working with motivated, committed clients. So before you apply, please ask yourself the question, “Am I interested or am I committed?” Because if you’re interested, you will continue to play the “excusitis” game, buying into your excuses of not enough time, money etc. but if you’re committed, you will break down those barriers and do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. To apply, click here and fill out the confidential health intake form. Based on your responses and readiness to change, I will select 5 participants who are ready to take their wellbeing and happiness to the next level. Here is a sampling of some of the experiences that previous participants reported:
I respond differently to stress and am feeling less anxious
After being at a plateau for a year, my weight is finally moving (down)!
I feel much better about myself and my body image has changed for the better
I’m more confident – speaking my truth more and I’m ready to stop playing small
I’m feeding my soul instead of my stomach and my sugar cravings have disappeared
I feel like I can plan ahead to deal with trigger situations
I’m more aware of my feelings and the potential they have to affect my eating – so I’m doing things differently
I’m making myself more of a priority and realizing it doesn’t have to take tons of time
I’m learning the secrets of mindful eating and am satisfied with eating less
I finally found peace with food and my body image
I have to admit, I love this list. Statements like these are why I do this work…I’m passionate about the science and soul of nourishment and I love seeing the magic that happens when my clients’ health and energy returns because they found the nutritional–or emotional–course correction to make that happen. When their now well nourished body becomes a vehicle for their purpose and they leave behind a better place. If that’s you, grab this deal now…
Again, this is a sampling of comments from past participants and I share these to give you an idea of what may unfold for you during our coaching session. Your journey will be unique and will be tailored to fit you and your goals. Are you ready to get unstuck? This price will be gone in a flash, so to speak. It goes poof with your party hat at midnight on New Years Eve. Click here to fill out your health intake form and get started. There are too many of you (and you know who you are) enduring unnecessary pain, suffering and symptoms. Let’s DO this!